A herd of bighorn sheep was introduced into Fox Creek by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. The herd spends most of its time in the adjoining Connor Creek drainage, where this photo was taken. They are fairly tame, being vigorously protected from hunters.
Bald eagle over north bench. Bald eagles roost at Fox Creek during the winter.
Mule deer in the front yard. There were about 10 bucks in the yard, and one like this shed his antlers right there. Don’t tell the hunters…
A chukkar family make their way along the canyon road. This is a non-native species that was imported to eat non-native cheat grass.
They aren’t wild, but every web site needs a cat photo, doesn’t it? Too bad we couldn’t get them to relax for the picture! That’s Buddy on the bottom and Ms. Mittens on top.
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Fox Creek Farm
34811 Snake River Rd.
Huntington, OR 97907
On the Web: FoxCreek.7GLT.org